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First, we want to thank you for considering Miner/Mason & Associates.  Few recruiting firms have been around for 30 years, let alone specialized in a narrow field like Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.  We are trusted by our clients and would like to earn yours as well.

Do you need someone with additional skills – perhaps an injectionist for pain management?  A Pediatric Physiatrist for your younger patients?  A specialist in Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury or a physiatrist fellowship trained for your geriatric population?  Then you need our help more than the average client.  We track our physiatrists with sub-specialty knowledge.  We know who they are and where to find them.

More reasons to choose Miner/Mason & Associates:

  • An extensive database — emphasizing clinical skills, interpersonal skills, and geographic needs.
  • Industry contacts to expedite the search for the best candidates
  • We’ve established a presence at the national AAPM&R conference and invite you, our clients, to join us and interview a number of pre-screened candidates on the spot!  We’ll set up your interview schedules and spotlight you at our booth.
  • Contacts within every PM&R residency training program in the country!
  • A small, confidential company that provides a high level of service.
  • Honesty and Integrity.

FAQ’s from Employers:

Q:   Who pays for Miner/Mason & Associate’s services?
A:   The hiring entity pays our flat fee.

Q:   Why a flat fee?
A:   We bring the parties together and assist in negotiating the contract (if asked) and we want it clear that we have no interested in the financial arrangements.

Q:   Why should I use Miner/Mason & Associates to hire a doctor?
A:   Specialization of labor: we know who is looking and where they want to go.  We send you physicians that fit your practice needs and culture – eliminating those that don’t, which frees up your time to do what you do best…treat patients.

If you are interested in utilizing our services (or just want more information) please email us with your contact information and some basic details regarding what you’re looking for. Once we’ve received your information, we will call you to discuss the details of the search.  We appreciate you giving us this opportunity to assist you in your search.